The Romantic Bible

(George William Russell)

"Once we discover this imperishable tablet, we are led to speculate whether in the future a training in seership might not lead to a revolution in human knowledge."

Æ is the pen name of the Irish writer "George William Russell" who was born in 1867.

He left behind some of the most important books available on developing clairvoyance, inner visionary abilities, and ultimately reconnecting with faeries and their hidden lands.

He was a friend of the famous poet "W.B. Yeats" and connected with theosophical groups in Dublin.

Perhaps his most important book which really serves as a direct and practical study guide to developing clairvoyance is his "Candle of Vision". Using very straight-forward language that anyone could understand, he explains of the nature of vision and how to develop it, using his own firsthand experiences. These have later been organized into very practical methods and techniques by Jeremy Garner in his 12-Day Course on Clairvoyance, which utilizes Russell's "Candle of Vision" as a study guide for the course.

He was also a very talented painter who was able to paint certain faerie visions in such depth and clarity that to merely look upon them can stimulate inner visionary abilities.

Some of these paintings which can assist in the development of your own psychic powers can be viewed here.

Many of his other books and poems are able to be viewed below:
01. Homeward Songs by the Way (1894)
02. The Earth Breath and Other Poems (1896)
03. The Nuts of Knowledge (1903)
04. The Divine Vision and Other Poems (1904)
05. By Still Waters (1906)
06. Deirdre (1907)
07. Imaginations and Reveries (1915)
08. The Candle of Vision (1918)
09. The Interpreters (1922)
10. Voices of the Stones (1925)
11. Song and its Fountains (1932)
12. The Living Torch (1937)