The Romantic Bible

H. Rider Haggard

“Who shall say what proportion of fact, past, present, or to come, may lie in the imagination? What is imagination? Perhaps it is the shadow of the intangible truth,
perhaps it is the souls thought.”

H. RIDER HAGGARD is one of the most genuine authors the world has known. Perhaps his two most famous novels are "King Solomon's Mines" and "She" - both of which are truly compelling adventures. All of his novels are extremely good for escaping into other realms and lifetimes - with each of them invoking different spirits and experiences into your life.

"She: A History of Adventure" which was published in 1887, is a true masterpiece which holds seeds of divine truths throughout. Many of his novels will take you on exotic adventures to ancient lands such as Africa/Egypt.

"She" is actually part of a series of novels which he wrote throughout his lifetime - which do follow on from one another cohesively. Technically "Wisdom's Daughter" is the first in the series chronologically, though he wrote it last and towards the end of his life. This one was written by "She" herself, who is also known as "Ayesha" or "She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed".

The more popular and probably the best to actually begin with of the trilogy is "She". This book sets the tone and explains the overarching story, which provide context to the others.

This was followed by the book "Ayesha: The Return of She" which was published in 1905, and is technically the last in the series.

There is also a fourth book containing the mysterious being "Ayesha" called: "She and Allan" (Allan being the name of the main character of "King Solomon's Mines").

This, in other words ties two of his main novels/characters together into one book.

Allan Quatermain (the main protagonist of "King Solomon's Mines") was written about in eighteen different works: "King Solomon's Mines", "Allan Quatermain" (it's one sequel) and twelve prequel novels - as well as four prequel short stories, totaling the full eighteen works.

Haggard also wrote a large variety of other novels with entirely different characters - all of which were high quality adventures into exotic realms. All of the stories he wrote transport you entirely into these alternate lives where you feel as if you are alongside these characters as they go through their different experiences.

He is mentioned here for his tremendous influence and his ability to teleport us into great and exciting adventures, which always hold more than meets the eye upon reading them.

What may be deemed as mere fiction or imagination to some, reveals itself as powerful truths to others - and through these works, one may tap in to very real experiences and adventures awaiting to forever change your life.