The Romantic Bible

Pauline Anna Strom

"As long as I can remember, I’ve always been a rebel. I’ve always been different.
I respect and learn from other people, but I quietly take what I want for my own system."

PAULINE ANNA STROM (October 1, 1946 - December 13, 2020) is a most gifted and talented composer who created entire worlds, soundscapes, and experiences through her abilities. Having been born blind, she had heightened auditory senses and spiritual abilities which clearly enabled her to produce energetic experiences through her music, and call upon real spirit forces which are always heavily invoked by her music.

As written in "The Divine Union", Jeremy Garner was first introduced to Pauline Anna Strom's music through a recommendation from the spirit of Anna Kingsford in his sleep, who guided him to the song "Morning Splendor". The experience of this song in attracting much spirit activity into the room when played aloud (such as knocks, taps, chills, etc), not to mention the divine feelings of peace and bliss which accompanied this track - soon led him to purchase and download every available album ever recorded by Pauline Anna Strom.

These were (and are) in fact quite difficult to find in completion, but it just so happened that in 2014 when the spirit had recommended the music, Pauline had a website online (which was not there for long) where many of her albums were available to purchase, without any option to hear any samples of what was being purchased. He proceeded to purchase all of the available albums before the website was removed, and was able to track down the few which were not online, to be transferred to digital format from cassette. All seven of her main albums were then in his possession, and each one of these albums produces an entirely different, yet most otherworldly and profound experience within the listener.

The first of her albums which he purchased was "Spectre" (which means "ghost, phantom, apparition, spirit, presence, etc) - and upon hearing it for the first time (as further described in "The Divine Union") Jeremy was transported into another dimension in perfect lucid detail - in which he could wander around and observe details of whatever he chose. He was able to go for a walk down the streets in a completely lucid dream without any difficulties at all.

He found himself observing and touching various trees which would buzz with an electric energy, until upon returning to the in-between state of physical reality - a spirit voice began to pan around his head in crystal quality (the album had finished playing by this moment), and this spirit began to speak in a completely different language to him as clear as any physical voice. She then began to sing to him, as he felt himself floating out of his body, into the astral world.

This was not the first time that the album "Spectre" would produce similar results - in fact, from that moment onward, almost any time the album is listened to quietly out speakers in the background while falling to sleep (especially in the early hours of the morning after having slept a little already), it has invoked a spirit into the room and produced either clear spirit activity, or vivid Out of Body Experiences. Frequently the spirit which the album invokes will put her hands around the ankles and pull the astral body right out of the physical body. This is the power of Pauline Anna Strom's music - she is on a whole other level of creation when it comes to music, and was one of the most legitimate composers of the modern day.

All that is required for these effects to set in is to roll over and go to sleep as normal (while of course listening to the album "Spectre" in the background) - one does not even have to pay attention or be awake to the album. Once "Spectre" has finished playing right through, the spirit will unexpectedly enter the room, and the listener will be taken out of their body.

In one interview, Pauline describes a listener having experienced feeling the frequencies of her album "Japanese Impressions" in their chest - and she admitted to intentionally working on the chakra systems and organs in the body. Being a reiki master and an intuitive healer - she was able to channel these powers into the music.

There was nothing flimsy or at all false about anything she created. She is of the realest as they can be, and the effects of her music are without a doubt able to be felt by the listener.

Her first album "Trans-Millenia Consort" will invoke spirits into the room who can frequently tap or knock in response to the songs - or at the very least it will invoke peace, bliss, and an in-between state of mind so that it is easier to perceive information from other dimensions.

Her next album "Plot Zero" is a whole new experience all together. She has described it as a "mind trip without chemicals" - which it certainly is.

She said "obviously a good majority of people do those drugs, so I figured you could do them this way, just put them headphones on and listen and you'll get similar effects. Seriously, that's the way I'd interpret a mind trip from those things to be."

She also said that she "envisioned an enormous planetarium, the laser show and extreme brilliance of colors traveling through the infinity of the mind; getting lost with no limits of boundaries, experiencing the freedom of that kind of emotional and mental exploration. That is the essence of Plot Zero. I wanted all the tracks to travel through the infinite depths of the mind, and get lost in the nebula of exploration. The process of producing this album brought brilliant colors, so exquisite they defied description, to my mind. Leaving a feeling
of limitless mental power to create from the third eye, the depth of the soul.”

When she says these things, it was never as a figure of speech or for promotional purposes (something she really shied away from) - but without a word of exaggeration, her music clearly and vividly produces mind-altering effects on the listener.

As again outlined in "The Divine Union", Jeremy's first experience with Plot Zero initially led to clear and vivid visions of "a blue cube, moving in all different directions, showing me all the geometric angles and so forth – it was all psychedelic type of imagery and really felt as though I had taken some drugs to enhance these intense visions." - and this was followed by seeing: "intense combinations of bright colors I had never seen before – huge landscapes and platforms containing all kinds of revelations and adventures – as well as pathways, explorations, creatures, and creativity."

It then goes on to say: "Just after the album had finished playing and went silent – I instantly heard around me very loudly a ticking/tapping sound – and it became evident that the music itself really attracts spirits to it and is a perfect method of invoking them."

That night after first hearing the album however he was awoken by a loud "BOOM!" which seemed to shake the walls for a moment, though sounding very far away. It was 3:03AM and the same ticking/tapping sound began to start up again. A strong electrical smell was in the air and several knocking sounds. This was then followed by a dark entity walking across the floor snorting, before walking right through the bed and through the wall on the other side - with a clanging sound as it left. Whether this experience was due to hearing "Plot Zero" or connected more to the types of spiritual experiences already largely occurring that year is unknown - but it certainly seems that Plot Zero had something to do with it because the second time listening to the same album, several months later, produced similar effects.

In the second experience after hearing "Plot Zero", Jeremy describes being woken in the early hours of the morning to a loud and deep growling sound, which he soon discovered was being projected through his own mouth. He began to speak several frightening words in a powerful voice, with no control over it. He had to fight for his own voice back with an entity which had taken over his vocal cords.

This may all sound off-putting, but each of her albums produces entirely different effects, some light and some dark. Plot Zero is the only one reported to bring in those types of potentially darker experiences - though it does affect the brain state so much to listen to it that it likely opens one up to many things. "Spectre" though - as dark as the music or title may at first sound, actually produces Out of Body Experiences or Spirit Invocations upon the completion of the album playing right through. These experiences are positive/helpful ones.

Many of her other albums are very peaceful/healing in their tones, frequencies, and effects (including Plot Zero for that matter in how it sounds) - but one thing is for sure, her albums will provide a very real and otherworldly experience to the sincere listener.

Her abilities are uncanny and unique in this world, and her achievements with sound are very revolutionary.

Jeremy attempted to reach out to Pauline multiple times, though she was not particularly easy to contact, as it was required to speak through another person, who decided for her whether he would give you her number or not. As a result, the first time she understandably happened to be sick and going through a difficult time. The second time, the man was going through a challenging time himself. And the third time, she had then already passed away.

Her final album "Angel Tears in Sunlight" was released posthumously in 2021, purportedly containing some of the first songs she had made in over 30 years.

Her first 7 albums were all made in the 80's: "Trans-Millenia Consort", "Plot Zero", "Spectre", "The Moorish Project", "Japanese Impressions", "Aquatic Realms", and "Mach 3.04".

If you cannot track any of these albums down, Contact Jeremy to learn how you too might obtain whichever ones you might require.